Vet Says No to Plant Based Diets for Dogs
I was reassured to read Dr. Karen Becker’s recent article about plant based diets for dogs. The article is entitled, The Dangerous Feeding Practice I Can’t Condone.
I was reassured to read Dr. Karen Becker’s recent article about plant based diets for dogs. The article is entitled, The Dangerous Feeding Practice I Can’t Condone.
This is a milk thistle case study I conducted. It discusses the topical application of milk thistle, in the case of a 7-year-old female golden retriever.
Milk thistle and its active constituents are famous for addressing liver health. But milk thistle is used for other issues, too, including skin problems, cancer …
Here I share notes from clients and veterinarians. Their words highlight the effectiveness of a homemade diet when done in a certain way.
I would like to share with you another lovely testimonial and success story from mom to “Chance,” a gorgeous rescue hound.
Below is the story of Nelly, a long coat Dalmatian who came home as a sick pup. She is healthy and happy now! Read her story here, direct from Nelly’s caring and devoted human mom.
Well, homemade dog food has done it again, thanks to a healthy, homemade diet and the care of a stellar holistic vet I collaborate with. She took great care of this little dog, Mikey, and recommends healthy homemade food for pets.
Below is the story of Tully, a golden retriever who developed an infection after neutering. Tully’s human parents went through a nightmare of multiple surgeries and kidney problems. Fortunately, after this ordeal, Tully is doing well. Read his story here, direct from Tully’s caring human mom.
Boomie the Entlebucher Mountain Dog is loved by Cynthia and Mike from MA. I worked with Boomie’s mom a few years ago.