Beyond the intial transition
Course Content
Supplement Information
This section shares supplement information.
Sample balanced recipe
Please enjoy this sample balanced recipe for dogs.
Work more closely with Sarah
Here's information on how to work more closely with Sarah to customize your recipe or supplement needs.
How to Make Balanced Dog Food
About Lesson

To “branch out” from your initial transition, you can simply expand upon it. Depending on how quickly your dog adjusted to the initial transition, you may be able to add one, two or several new ingredients on a regular basis. As time progresses, you may see some interesting things happen.

First, your dog’s body will begin to cleanse itself
. As this happens, you may see some good and / or bad changes, short and long term. On the less pretty side, you may see some soft stool. While diarrhea is worrisome, it can also be a sign of adjustment or healing. This is another reason to transition slowly, so you can monitor your dog’s bodily reaction. You may also watch for vomiting, lethargy or itching as a sign your dog is not adjusting well or is sensitive to a particular ingredient. On the positive side short term, you may see an increase of energy, less itchy ears, and glossier fur. Long term, the health benefits can be numerous. 

Second, your confidence will begin to grow.
You are taking care of your dog by feeding him well; you are learning which foods your dog can and cannot have; you are starting to develop a routine; and the habit is hopefully becoming easier.

Each day or week, you may find yourself adding something new.
One week you may might try a scrambled egg, or a sardine, or a new protein source, new vegetable, or a lick of coconut oil. Maybe you will begin to cook meals for both of you; roasted chicken with vegetables, for example. Incorporating your dog into your own cooking routines is an excellent way to make things easier.