Articles and News
Articles and News

Dog Food Recalls – What to Do?

I am sure you saw my email the other day about the latest dog food recall. It seems every time we turn around, we see another pet food recall. From plastic, prescription medications and even euthanasia drugs found in pet food, how can we have confidence in what our pets are eating?

Tiny Toxin in Most Dog Foods?

Recently, I attended a workshop on healthy pet foods. The seminar was conducted at a veterinary clinic and the speakers focused on many issues, including the process of making pet food. This process includes removing many nutrients, and then adding them back, in artificial versions.

What Did My Dog Eat Today?

I like to post periodic updates on what my dog eats in a single day, to help highlight the variety that you can achieve with a homemade diet. With all the variety, I also believe it is possible to offer some consistency too, particularly for dogs with sensitive GI tracts. Always introduce new foods slowly and one at a time.