Detoxifying Your Dog’s Environment
Detoxifying Your Dog’s Environment

Detoxifying Your Dog’s Environment

There are many ways to provide a healthy environment for your dog. Alongside diet, we dog parents should consider other factors that many impact health. Last week, I wrote about the bowls from which our dogs eat and drink.

Alongside that, try to avoid chemicals, pesticides, preservatives, inflammatory items (more on that in another article — chronic inflammation can cause a host of problems), unnecessary drugs, chemical-filled cleaners and even some dog beds. Try not to expose your dog to household cleaners that contain toxins — think chemical sprays, solvents and other items your dog might lie on, lick or inhale.

After removing toxins, try to replace these items with natural and safer alternatives.

If you have city water, serve your dog filtered water as you would do for yourself. You can buy water filters very inexpensively online or at local stores.

Taking some of these steps can help your furry best friend lead a healthier life. In turn, you may experience fewer vet visits and less chronic illness, and the two of you will have more time to just enjoy life together without the worry and pain of illness. Taking some of these steps helps you, too!