Dog Food Recalls – What to Do?
Dog Food Recalls – What to Do?

Dog Food Recalls – What to Do?

Dear friends of dogs,

I am sure you saw my email the other day about the latest dog food recall.

It seems every time we turn around, we see another pet food recall. From plastic, prescription medications and even euthanasia drugs found in pet food, how can we have confidence in what our pets are eating?

When I asked myself this question years ago, I came up with one answer: I need to make the food myself.

I know that may sound like a scary idea. But I know first hand that it gets easy. It becomes second nature. There are seemingly endless tricks you can use to simplify your techniques, maximize your time and get the most out what goes into your dog’s food bowls. If you like, you can visit my website for some of the most frequently asked questions about homemade dog food.

If you’re thinking about a transition to homemade, but are still in decision-making mode, what can you do in the short term? Here are some ideas and questions to ask yourself:

  • Is your dog’s food on any recall lists?
  • Is your dog healthy?
  • Do you think your dog will stay healthy long term?
  • Do you know the ingredients in your dog’s food?
  • Are you happy with the food you serve your dog on a daily basis, or do you feel you can do better?

In conclusion – and as I always say – the phrase “food is medicine” applies to dogs too! Feel free to contact me via my website or email me at [email protected].

The latest FDA recall is developing, meaning more brands may be added. You can visit the FDA page to keep apprised and read the latest recall list on the FDA website,

For the love of dogs,

Sarah Whitman, MS
Founder & Publisher,
Class is open: Your Dog’s Diet