If you have ever thought of creating a better dog diet, you are on the right track!
For some people, taking the first steps to better health can seem daunting. Like so many things in life, changing your dog’s diet (or your own) is a learning curve and is also about getting into a new habit.
But I know from experience that once you get going with it, and learn a few tricks of the trade, it becomes quite easy and natural.
When considering an improved diet for your dog, it might be helpful to ask yourself a few questions.
And as always, visit my Services page for current options.

What are my goals for my dog’s well-being, both short term and long term?
Is your dog young, middle aged or elderly, and what are his or her health concerns at the moment? If there are no health concerns, do you foresee any problems in a year, five years, ten years? What will you do about it?
Do I believe food is an important part of health?
If so, then improving diet should be a very rewarding experience. You may see both short- and long-term improvements in health. Even if you are not a “health food junkie” yourself, you can still use well-known nutritious foods to help support your dog’s health.
What are my daily culinary habits and other preferences?

Do you shop for your groceries in person, or do you get them get delivered? Are there any ingredients you absolutely cannot use, due to allergies, sensitivities or other reasons? This can help you figure out how to choose dog food ingredients. Whether you make your shopping list on a notepad, on your phone or through your delivery app, you can shop for your dog food ingredients in the same grocery store where you get your own food. If you never, ever cook for yourself, no problem. Cooking for dogs is totally different from cooking for humans.
Do I love cooking, or hate cooking, or somewhere in between?
Some people love to be in the kitchen making new creations, cooking up large batches of soups and stews on the stove, or tossing a few items in a pan. Others hate cooking, don’t know how to cook, or are just not interested. Knowing yourself in this way can help you figure out how to make the mental commitment to improving your dog’s diet.
This question reminds me of one on my FAQ page:
I don’t even cook for myself! How can I cook for my dog?
We humans have the choice to cook for ourselves, go out to eat, get delivery, eat prepared food or whatever we wish. In our hearts and minds, we know what foods are healthy; we just don’t always eat them. But when it comes to our furkids, they have no choice in the matter, and it’s up to us to offer healthy options. If left to their own devices, they would choose real food. Making dog food can be way simpler than making human meals. For example, you never have to worry about presenting it in a fancy way, and you don’t need to do so many dishes afterwards.
How much time can I devote to my dog’s diet per week? 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour or more?
This will help us figure out the kind of diet to strive for, whether it’s daily, weekly or even monthly prep.
Whatever your goals, preferences and habits, we will work together to make it simple and nutritious as possible. Your furbaby looks to you for care, and that includes the best nutrition.
Visit my Services page for ways I can help you and your dog strive for the best diet and wellness!
~ Sarah