It’s Not Just What Your Dog Eats – It’s Also What He Eats (And Drinks) From
It’s Not Just What Your Dog Eats – It’s Also What He Eats (And Drinks) From

It’s Not Just What Your Dog Eats – It’s Also What He Eats (And Drinks) From

So we all know a good diet is important to keep our dogs healthy. But what about the things he eats and drinks from?

Does your dog eat and drink out of plastic bowls? Ceramic? Glass? Stainless steel? These are important distinctions.  For example, it has become widely known that many plastics leach out a harmful substance called Bisphenol A, or BPA. If your dog is eating or drinking out of plastic, he or she could be consuming toxic BPA.

Some ceramic dishes, particularly imported ones, can contain lead. You can purchase lead testing strips online, or simply steer away from ceramic.

Glass bowls are probably the safest alternative, with no BPA leaching and no lead. Glass is easy to clean, widely available and inexpensive, and you won’t have to worry about your dog consuming toxic chemicals. Stainless steel bowls are likely a close second, however take care that you are not really buying aluminum, which can also be toxic.