Vitamin E for Dogs
Vitamin E for Dogs

Vitamin E for Dogs

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants help scoop up damaging free radicals which can cause harm in the body. You can help your dog overcome damage from free radicals and strengthen his immunity by offering antioxidants in the diet. These can be delivered in food form through fresh vegetables and some (lesser amounts of) fruits. Vegetables and fruits should be fresh, not through processed dry dog foods.

Antioxidants can also be offered through supplemental form. Care should be taken to ensure that you don’t overload your dog. This is especially true in the case of fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin E. Current veterinary recommendations for vitamin E range from 1-2 IU / pound of your dog’s weight, but it is important that you cater to your own dog’s individual needs.

Antioxidants like vitamin E can help your dog fight off many health problems! One in particular is kidney stones, but that is just one example.

About Dog Food Coach

I am on a mission to help you feed your dogs a healthier diet using simple, everyday foods found in most grocery stores, farm stands or elsewhere.

How Can I Help?

My Goals:

  • Empower you
  • Help you realize you can improve your dog’s diet without too much trouble or confusion
  • Guide you toward healthy, easy to make foods
  • Support you during your transition
  • Suggest healthier options
  • Work with you to create a truly supportive, nourishing diet for your dog

Basic Consult Option:

A basic consult includes the following:

Other Options:

If you are interested in a different setup, I will try to customize to your individual needs as much as possible. Either way, contact me to get started.

Sarah Whitman, MS
Founder, &