Honoring Pet Cancer Awareness Month – 10% Discount
Honoring Pet Cancer Awareness Month – 10% Discount

Honoring Pet Cancer Awareness Month – 10% Discount

November is National Pet Cancer Awareness Month. Unfortunately, too many pets are suffering from cancer. Many factors can play a role, and diet is one of them.

In honor of this important issue, I am offering a 10% discount on coaching sessions for the remainder of the month. During our time together, we can discuss your dog’s current diet, and possible adjustments to help optimize health and ideally, help ward off cancer or support a pet going through it.

See below to get started on creating a truly nourishing diet for your dog.

~ Sarah

Individualized Support Sessions With Sarah:

Sessions include the following:

  • Review of your dog’s current diet
  • Suggested changes as needed
  • 1 sample recipe, created by Sarah
  • 1 educational handout (1-2 pages), created by Sarah
  • Unlimited Q&A via email and text as needed, for up to a full week
  • Discounted cost: $45 per above package
  • Click here to purchase securely on PayPal

Or use this button:

About Dog Food Coach

I am on a mission to help you feed your dogs a healthier diet using simple, everyday foods found in most grocery stores, farm stands or elsewhere.

How Can I Help?

My Goals:

  • Empower you
  • Help you realize you can improve your dog’s diet without too much trouble or confusion
  • Guide you toward healthy, easy to make foods
  • Support you during your transition
  • Suggest healthier options
  • Work with you to create a truly supportive, nourishing diet for your dog

My Education:

  • Current – pursuing Pet Nutrition Coach Certification, North American Veterinary Association
  • 2016 – Master of Science, Holistic Nutrition, American College of Healthcare Sciences, Portland, OR – Delta Epsilon Tau Honor Society
  • 2011 – Holistic Chef for Animals (HCA) certification, Global College of Natural Medicine, Santa Cruz, CA
  • 2010 – Canine sports and therapeutic massage studies, Rocky Mountain School of Animal Acupressure and Massage, Carbondale, CO
  • 2005 – Canine Massage Advanced Studies, Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy, Newington, CT
  • 2000 – Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Political Science, University of Connecticut
  • 1998 – Master of Science in Animals and Public Policy lectures, Tufts University, Grafton, MA
  • 1997-1999 – Animal law and ethics lectures, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
  • 1996 – Diploma, Comprehensive Nutrition (Dip.C.N.), Huntington College of Health Sciences, Knoxville, TN

My animal-related work has been featured in:

  • The Shoreline Times
  • The Guilford Courier
  • Dog Fancy magazine
  • NBC News
  • The Waterbury Republican-American
  • Voices
  • The Litchfield County Times
  • The Seattle-Post Intelligencer and elsewhere

I promote empowerment, knowledge and useful information like recipes, individual “tack on” ingredients, research articles and other tools. I hope I can help you and your dog as well.

Sarah Whitman, MS