Common Health Concerns

Below are some examples of common health concerns. However, if your dog has a health challenge not mentioned below, you can still reach out to me for help! I discuss the below because they are common. I have also seen come uncommon health issues come across my desk – seizures, genetic disorders and more.

The best approach is to get your dog onto healthy food BEFORE he or she develops a health issue. This will help keep the body strong. But when health challenges arise, I can offer specific dietary support for diseases and health conditions.

Some health conditions can be minimized or reversed with good nutrition. In other cases, a better diet serves as a support system alongside medication, to strengthen the body and managing issues such as poor appetite, drug side effects, indigestion and other problems.

If your dog has any health challenge – whether it is one of the common health concerns mentioned below, or something else – visit my Services page to book a review.

I look forward to working with you!

Note: The suggestions Sarah Whitman offers are for informational and educational purpose only. They are not intended to replace proper veterinary care, or diagnose, treat or cure disease. Please consult with your (preferably holistic) veterinary caregiver for veterinary advice and treatment. Thank you! ~ Sarah

“Just wanted to check in and let you know Finley is doing much better with the allergies and diet. She doesn’t itch like before and no more bumps or red skin.”~ Katherine

Jump to a common health concern:


support for diseases
Itchy skin | Food Sensitivity
(pictured: raw local honey)
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support for diseases
Arthritis | Joints | Systemic Issues
(pictured: bone marrow broth, vegetables)
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support for diseases
IBD | IBS | Diarrhea
(pictured: herbal powder)
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support for diseases
Appetite Shift | Arthritis | Trouble Chewing
(pictured: 15 yr old sampling stew)
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common health concerns
Heart | Kidney | Liver
(pictured: red meat)
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common health concerns
Obesity | Underweight | Maldigestion
(pictured: vegetables)
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PS – Do you have a golden retriever? Visit my other website,