Is Your Dog Trying to Detox? Allergies and Sensitivities
Is Your Dog Trying to Detox? Allergies and Sensitivities

Is Your Dog Trying to Detox? Allergies and Sensitivities

Just wanted to check in and let you know Finley is doing much better with the allergies and diet. She doesn’t itch like before and no more bumps or red skin.~ Katherine

If your dog has red ears, itchy skin, rashes, diarrhea, bad breath, body odor… is it possible he or she is trying to detox?

The answer is yes!

But first, I will always tell you it is vital to get a diagnosis of the cause of any issue. But if there is no real diagnosis, it is possible your dog is trying to detoxify from the food or other substances he or she is ingesting.

The more junk your dog is taking in, the longer detox will take. If you don’t remove the source of the problem – for example, poor quality food or a diet that is not agreeing with your dog – the symptoms will not go away as your dog’s body continues to attempt to reject the junk.

If diet is a potential cause of the problem, time and time again I find feeding a clean, simple homemade diet can turn things around quite nicely.  And if food was causing the issues, dogs can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks or longer to get better, depending the toxic burden they started with.

If this sounds at all familiar to you, I hope you will work with me to create a truly nourishing diet for your dog. Visit my Services page to choose an option that works best for you.

Whether or not food is contributing to the above symptoms, it is beneficial to examine other possible causes. Let’s think about everything your dog eats, drinks, breathes, rolls around in, has applied to his or skin, and more.  

Visit my Services page to begin feeding your dog a truly nourishing diet.

Talk with you soon!

Sarah Whitman, MS (Holistic Nutrition)
Founder, Dog Food Coach
Founder, Golden Retriever Diet
Certified Pet Nutrition Coach, North American Veterinary Community (NAVC)
Certified Pet Therapeutic Nutrition Coach, North American Veterinary Community (NAVC)
Pet Master Herbalist (exp. 2023)
Cell: 203-233-0562