Diseases and Health Issues
Diseases and Health Issues

Psyllium Husk Powder Case Report – Golden Retriever, IBS Type Symptoms

This case report discusses the administration of pure psyllium husk powder to an 8-year-old, 70 pound golden retriever with a chronically sensitive and reactive GI system.

Urinary Tract Infections in Dogs – Nutrition and Supplement Options

My last dog, Cori, had on and off urinary tract infections (UTIs) throughout her life. As she got older, the UTIs became more difficult to manage. Nonetheless, Cori and I got through it together and she lived by my side to a ripe old age of 15 1/2.

Milk Thistle Case Report – Topical Application, Golden Retriever

This is a milk thistle case study I conducted. It discusses the topical application of milk thistle, in the case of a 7-year-old female golden retriever.