Golden Retriever Diet

Milk Thistle Case Study – Topical Application, Golden Retriever

This is a milk thistle case study I conducted. It discusses the topical application of milk thistle, in the case of a 7-year-old female golden retriever.

Tully, Golden Retriever

Below is the story of Tully, a golden retriever who developed an infection after neutering. Tully’s human parents went through a nightmare of multiple surgeries and kidney problems. Fortunately, after this ordeal, Tully is doing well. Read his story here, direct from Tully’s caring human mom.

Diet Related Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Dogs – A Call For Healthy Foods

Have you heard about the increase in dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in otherwise healthy dogs? I believe it is a wake up call to get our dogs on to a better, no nonsense diet of real, whole foods.

Two Year Old Dogs With Lymphoma, Masses and More – There Must Be a Better Way

As I speak with other dog parents and vets, I hear stories of very young dogs – like 2 years old – with lymphoma, masses near their spleens and other issues that just don’t fit their age.